There are a few restrictions to tattoo removal:
* Previous Tattoo Removal Allergic Reaction
* Lupus Or Other Auto-Immune Deficiency
* Currently Pregnant Or Trying To Become Pregnant
* Breast Feeding
* Graves Disease(Hyperthyroidism) / Hashimotos Disease (Hypothyroidism) And/Or Treatment With Thyroxine
* Bleeding Abnormalities
* Blood Thinning Medication (Except Low Dose 75Mg Aspirin)
* Keloid Or Very Thick Scarring
* Vitiligo
* Rheumatoid Arthritis “Gold” Therapy
* Acute Or Chronic Renal Failure
* Photodynamic Therapy (Pdt) Within Last 3 Months
* Chemotherapy/Radiotherapy Within Last 3 Months
* Multiple Sclerosis
* Malignancy
* Chronic Disease (Crohn’s Disease, Ibd, Etc.)
* Active Infections, Signs Of Irritation Or Inflammatory Skin Conditions At Treatment Site
* Thrombocytopenia
* Collagen Vascular Diseases
* Users Of St. John's Wort (Herbal Remedy) In The Past 3 Months
* Peripheral Vascular Disease
* Hiv
* Hepatitis
* Anaemia
Please note that my machine is limited to treatments on skin types 1-4 on the Fitzpatrick scale.